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Bodywork Buddy Blog

Bodywork Buddy: business management software for the solo therapist that keeps you organized and makes tax time a breeze.

Showing posts with label business management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business management. Show all posts

Sunday, January 10, 2016

How To Email Receipts To Massage Clients

Bodywork Buddy makes it easy to send receipts to your massage clients!

First, you'll want to make sure you have your email services enabled in your settings.

Make sure you have an email address on file for your clients.

After their appointment, click into the green confirmed appointment in the calendar, and choose "complete appointment (create session)" from the popup window.

From within the session record, you can record payment info and other details including SOAP notes, etc.
After you've filled out the details you want to record for the session, click "email receipt" along the top in orange.

A popup window will ask if you're sure, click the green "email receipt" button.

And it's done! Total time to email receipt to a client: 2 seconds.

Want to see how Bodywork Buddy can make your life easier? Signup now for our free 15 day trial and get started in 2016 on the right foot - organized and saving time!

Here's what one of our recent members has to say about our service:
"I am ever grateful for the high quality and super fast help I receive from this company!! Top notch all the way!"
Thanks, Virginia! We love working with massage therapists.
Read what other members have to say about Bodywork Buddy.

Hope you're having a terrific start to the new year. Wishing you many happy clients as well as some table time for yourself in 2016.

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling

She continues to operate her own private massage practice since 1999.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Give Your Online Scheduler Some Personality!

Did you know you can customize the look of your online scheduler (microsite) with Bodywork Buddy? Add your own text, choose massage images from our library, or even add your own images!

Signup for the free 15 day trial, no credit card required :)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

*NEW FEATURE* Online Client Intake Forms

Start 2016 out right with a paperless practice!

We've recently launched the new feature of online client intake forms in Bodywork Buddy. You can now email clients their form to fill out securely online and already have it attached within their client file in BWB.

There is a default form you can use, but you can also edit and create your own custom forms from within your account. (dashboard > clients > client intake forms > edit.)

Add, delete, or edit any fields you want and click save. Hover or click over the blue "actions" button to open a preview of what your client will see.

Clients can fill out their form (securely!) from any device with an internet connection: desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Their info will then be connected with their client file in your BWB account under the medical history tab, and also at dashboard > clients > intake form > main.

When a new client is scheduled with you, you'll have the option to send them an intake form. You can also send an intake form to existing clients anytime from within the client's file > actions > send client intake form.

This feature is still in Beta which means we're doing some fine-tuning and there will be more cool aspects to this feature to come.

We would love to hear what you think!

Monday, November 9, 2015

*NEW FEATURES* Canceled and Missed Appointments Reports

You can now generate a report for canceled and missed appointments within Bodywork Buddy.

For missed appointments: from dashboard > reports > missed appointment > date range > generate report.

For canceled appointments: from dashboard > reports > canceled appointment > date range > generate report.

We're currently working to add in the ability to print these reports as well. This should be available soon!

Are you a solo massage therapist looking to make your life easier with your practice? Check out the FREE 15 day trial of Bodywork Buddy and see how we can help you get organized and have more control over your massage practice!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

*NEW FEATURE* New Client Star

Over the weekend, we added a new feature that has been requested by our members. Now when there is a new client / client's first visit in your schedule, a star will appear next to their appointment in the calendar and on the dashboard in Today's Schedule.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How To Block Off Time In Your Calendar

In Bodywork Buddy, your open business hours are highlighted in green in the calendar day and week view.

Click into the day you want to block off time. A popup window will appear with options of General Event, Confirmed Appointment, or Completed Appointment (Session).

Click the General Event button. Fill in info with any details needed, including length of time if you're not choosing an all day event. (You'll also have the option to drag the event longer or to a different timeframe in the day once it's created.)
Be sure to have "busy" selected.
Click the green "save appointment" button.

The event will now show in the calendar in light gray with the title you gave it. (Shown here with title of "closed".)

You can click on the event and drag it to different days or times in the calendar, or you can grab the lines at the bottom of the event to drag it to last shorter or longer in the day.

You can still schedule appointments in this timeframe if you want by clicking into the green area to the sides of the gray general event. (But clients will not see these times available online if you've chosen "busy" for the event.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Massage Chains Versus YOU

As a solo massage therapist, it may seem daunting to try and compete with the franchises. The key is to set yourself apart from the big chains, not to try and compete with them on prices or try to run deeply discounted groupon deals or membership specials. Remember that they have a huge staff to implement those deals… you only have YOU! If you try and compete on price, you will only burn yourself out and not make any money in the process. (Not to say that you shouldn’t run group deals, but if you do, know how to run them to work for you! Don’t expect to run them the same that the franchises do and be successful. Check out Hillary’s blog posts on running a successful deal campaign: Part 1 & Part 2. We also have a special offer just for the Bodywork Buddy readers of 50% off Tiger Lily Studios audio book on using social buying sites. Enter code BWB50 when ordering. Valid through July 31st only, so go get it now!)

It’s important to create a niche to set yourself apart from the big massage chains. Identifying or creating a niche means digging deeper into what sets your business or service apart from the competition. The typical marketing question is "Why would I schedule an appointment with you instead of <insert massage franchise>?" Identify what makes your independent massage practice different, and then play up those features.

In addition to having a niche, it’s important to have systems in place to keep your business organized and to have a professional online image. Take a look at your local massage chain’s website. Now view that side-by-side with yours.

  • Where is there room for improvement to appear more professional?
  • Is it obvious to clients viewing both sites how your independent massage practice is different?
  • Do you offer unique services or techniques and is that prominently displayed on your website? (Professional images will really help here.)
  • Do you offer the convenience of online scheduling? (Remember that a lot of clients are now doing most browsing and scheduling from their phone… is your scheduler mobile friendly?)
  • Do you have client testimonials or raving reviews on your site?

These things can boost your professional image online and help further set you apart from the chains. (If you’re looking for a solution that offers all of these, we’ve made it super simple for you! Check out the free trial with Bodywork Buddy.)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Let Clients Schedule From Your Facebook Page

Wouldn't it be cool if your clients could schedule an appointment with you right from your Facebook business page without ever leaving Facebook? Oh that's right, they can!

From within your Bodywork Buddy account, go to dashboard > account > microsite info.  (Hopefully you've already enabled your microsite and have already been using the online scheduling feature. But if not, check out this video to help you set that up!)

Once your microsite is activated, you can embed it right into your Facebook business page by scrolling to the bottom of the microsite info page. Under "Extra Stuff" is a link to click to integrate with your Facebook page.

This will open a window in Facebook and you can select your business page from the dropdown box. Then click "add page tab", and it's done!

What does it look like on your Facebook page?

A "Schedule online" tab will be added to the navigation on your page. If you want to move where this is displayed, click on "more" and you'll have the option to reorder your tabs.

When you click on "schedule online", you'll see the microsite scheduler embedded right into your Facebook page. Clients can schedule without ever being taken away from Facebook.

Are you thinking it's time you tried Bodywork Buddy? Try it for free, no credit card required. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

*New Feature* Display "By Appointment Only" Option On Microsite

Many of our members have requested this option to be available, so we're excited to announce that you now have additional options in how to display your open business hours on your scheduling microsite with Bodywork Buddy.

You can now choose to display the following on your microsite:

  • your open business hours
  • by appointment only
  • both

To change this setting, go to Dashboard > Account > Microsite Info > scroll to bottom of microsite info settings > select one of the three options > save settings.

Display open business hours
Display by appointment only
Display both by appointment only and open business hours

Interested in trying Bodywork Buddy for your online scheduling and massage business management needs? We're specifically designed to help the solo massage therapist get organized and streamline their business. 

Check out our free 15 day trial to see how Bodywork Buddy can make your business run smoother.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Overcoming Trolls

I have my fair share of stories to tell of dealing with trolls on social media. I think what made it difficult for me was to have it coming from people I considered to be colleagues - other massage therapists. While this blog and our social media accounts are for the massage software company I co-own with my husband, I am a massage therapist and felt that this was my tribe.

Unfortunately, I don't think there really is a "right" way to deal with trolls. But Michelle of New Yew has some great tips on how to step back, breathe, and simply put: don't feed the trolls. Thanks for the post, Michelle! I love that you shared and walked us through all the emotions you felt in dealing with this.

I did a quick google search on this topic to get some varying opinions on how to best deal with trolls. I love this excerpt from a blog post written by quoting James Altucher. (I happen to adore James Altucher!)

An interesting thing to consider: that 30% will love it, 30% will hate it, and 30% won't care.

The 30 percent rule 
In James Altucher’s book, Choose Yourself, he shares a story about responding to critics that wondered why he always used half-naked women for his blog post photos. The woman in the picture responded to the post, sharing her story and insight. Altucher said, “I’ve seen it in action repeatedly: no matter who you are, no matter what you do, no matter who your audience is: 30 percent will love it, 30 percent will hate it, and 30 percent won’t care. Stick with the people who love you and don’t spend a single second on the rest. Life will be better that way.” File those trolls under the proper 30 percent and move on.  
Read the full article here

In internet trolls and all things in life, I think this sums it up:
Stick with the people who love you and don’t spend a single second on the rest. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What Makes a Successful Massage Therapist?

Guest Blog Post by Hillary Arrieta LMT

What makes a successful massage therapist? What does success mean to you in regards to your professional life? I asked myself these questions when I began building my practice. It took me a while to come up with a good formula but I think I'm getting closer to nailing it down.

For me, success meant that I was giving the best service I could give, every time I touched a client. It also meant that I was as busy as I wanted to be and that I was also making a living wage.
All of these things have come true for me over the last four years since I started out on my self employment journey!

When I looked around at other successful massage therapists and heart-centered business owners, I saw certain characteristics that they had in common. Here's my short list of a few traits that help make a massage therapist successful in my eyes.

1. They have a positive attitude.
Above all else, staying positive and centered is one of the key ways to become successful. Being in business is hard. There will be days that will test you so having a positive attitude is important. Knowing when to go with the flow and when/how to make changes for the better can help you evolve as a therapist.

2. They give five star customer service.
Your clients deserve the best customer service. This right here can make or break your practice.  I was just reading an article about how more and more Americans are feeling disenfranchised by large corporations who don't care about their customers. When you take the time to care about your clients, they really notice.

Most people need to feel heard and valued. Making a policy agreement is a really smart way to serve your clients. When you lay out a specific process on how your business is managed and you share it with your clients, it establishes clear boundaries. No one feels unsure of things because everything has been presented and agreed upon. You become more confident in following through on business matters, as well.  Also, being organized can help establish trust and allow clients to really relax into their massage, getting the full benefits for your work.

3. They add value to their services.
Just giving someone a bare bones massage is not going to cut it these days. What else can you add to your sessions that adds value? You want to make your clients feel like they are getting a one of a kind service that they can't get anywhere else.

What can you add to put a special mark on your sessions? Hot towels, a unique modality,  a cozy table - these are all suggestions but be creative. Massage is a sensory experience. Even if you're doing a clinical style, you will need to make sure your clients enjoy their time working with you. Take time to assess the environment that you work in and make some changes that are more conducive to your clients ideal experience.

4. They stay aware of the trends and changes in the profession.
The massage industry is always changing. Staying active and up to date on research and changes in the state laws as well as changes in licensing requirements helps you stay relevant. If you're still repeating the same things that you were taught 20 years ago in massage school, chances are that those things are no longer true.

5. They promote and market their practice.
Learning marketing skills is very important for any business to thrive.  Knowing who you serve, attaining new clients that fit in that demographic, and cultivating loyalty from current clients should be a top priority. In the age of information and technology, we have so much right at our fingertips!

There are online business schools and programs geared towards people who have special skills, but may not be business oriented. Pencil in time each week to look at the health of your business and make a list of things you need to do or learn in order to get your practice to where you want it to be. Then seek out that information and implement it ASAP.

6. They keep track of time, money, and set goals.
This is a big part of a successful massage practice. One of my business mentors says that if you're not getting paid, you have a hobby not a business. This is very true. Time is money for us. Don't give away your time. It sends the message that your time isn't valuable and that you also think that your clients time isn't valuable either. Going over on an appointment can make them late for other obligations, which creates more feelings of stress instead of relaxation and well-being.

Also, Knowing where the money is coming from will help you identify what works in your practice. On the flip side, seeing where money is not flowing in to your practice can help you make strategic decisions on what needs to change or be cut out. This can ultimately help you make goals that keep your practice evolving and moving forward for years to come.

What traits make a successful massage therapist in your eyes?
Share in the comments!

Hi! I’m Hillary Arrieta and I help people improve their lives by offering holistic solutions to ease stress, eliminate pain, and inspire self care practices.

I own The Heeling Hut in Plano, TX. and specialize in unique and effective massage and meditation techniques such as Barefoot Bar Therapy and iRest® Yoga Nidra.

The Heeling Hut offers the Best Massage in Plano, Texas for pain and stress management.


Ready to get organized? Join Bodywork Buddy now - Free trial!

Monday, March 30, 2015

*NEW FEATURE* Print/Email All Sessions on One Receipt

We've just implemented a new feature that many of our members have asked for: the ability to print or email all sessions from a specific client onto one receipt.

You can choose to do this from within each session record in the upper right next to the usual "print receipt" and "email receipt" buttons.

You can also do this from within each client's file in the upper right corner.

Now you can not only do that, but you can also choose a specific timeline of sessions you want to include if you don't want to do ALL sessions.

Thank you to our members for the suggestions and feedback. Your ideas help to make Bodywork Buddy even more awesome and we value your business!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Is Bodywork Buddy Right For Me?

Extensive reports available with Bodywork Buddy
There's a lot of different choices when it comes to online scheduling and practice management software. It's important to first consider what features are crucial for your needs. Not every system is going to be the right fit for you. (Much like with massage therapy where clients need to try out different therapists to find the right one for them.) Most online scheduling systems offer a free trial so you can do just this without any risk or commitment.

We find that most therapists can get a good feel for the system and if it's the right fit for them by signing up for the Bodywork Buddy free 15 day trial. But here's a list of some key features to see if it might be a good fit for your needs.

If you answer "Yes" to any of these, Bodywork Buddy may be right for you:

  • I am a solo therapist with my own business 
  • I only have 1 location
  • I want clients to be able to schedule online from my website or Facebook page
  • I want to track my income and expenses
  • I want to automatically send email and text reminders to clients
  • I want to automatically collect testimonials from clients
  • I want to track sales and redemptions of gift certificates and packages
  • I want to keep client files and notes including SOAP notes
  • I want to sync my Bodywork Buddy calendar with my iCal and/or Google Calendar or other calendar
  • I want to access my account from my smartphone or tablet as well as a desktop computer
  • I want to easily see upcoming client birthdays, or what clients haven't been to me in X amount of time
  • I want to have full customer support via live chat, email, 24/7 online help center, and phone at no extra charge

If you answer "Yes" to any of these, Bodywork Buddy is probably NOT the right fit for you:
  • I want to process credit cards within my account, or require a credit card to make an appointment online
  • I have multiple therapists
  • I have multiple locations
  • I want to schedule classes online with my scheduler
  • I want to track sales and inventory of retail products
  • I want a downloadable app on my mobile device to access when I don't have internet access

These are certainly not all of the features of Bodywork Buddy, but a few key things to think about when you're looking for an online scheduler and practice management system.

We strongly encourage you to signup for the free trial if you're interested in Bodywork Buddy to see if it's a good fit for your needs. There is no credit card required to signup, your 15 day trial will automatically expire if you choose not to continue with it. So there's no need to worry about remembering to cancel it, or worry that your card will get charged. 

While signing up for our trial will put you on our email list, you can unsubscribe from that at any time if you choose. 
We won't constantly call and harass you if you decide that Bodywork Buddy isn't right for you. 
We promise. ❤ 

And that's what we mean by risk-free. Your card won't get charged. We won't inundate you with unwanted phone calls and emails. 

We will, however, always be here if you have any questions or need any help.

Monday, February 4, 2013

How Client Importing With Bodywork Buddy Will Ease Your Stress

How's your 2013 shaping up so far? We're discovering that a lot of therapists find January to be the perfect time to get started using Bodywork Buddy. (Although, any time is a great time to get more organized, right?)

If you've been thinking of making the switch, but are dreading inputting all of your clients into the system - you're in luck. Bodywork Buddy has always had the ability to import contacts via v-card, but now we have the added ability to do contact imports for you.  No need to convert the files to v-card.

Simply contact us, send your file and let us know what scheduler you're coming from, and we will do the import for you. Simple as that. Bodywork Buddy is excited to offer this free service to our members.

Tweetable: Any time is a great time to get more organized, right?

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling.

She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 13 years.

Export pic:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Best Thing I Ever Did For My Massage Business

One of the best ideas I ever implemented for my massage business was a referral program.

I offered a "refer 3 friends, get a free massage" program. I put a sign up in my massage room, as well as placed around my studio. Signs like "want a free massage? Ask me how!"

I was amazed at the response. I got a lot of new clients from this program. But actually ended up giving away only a handful of massages. Very few times did 3 new people come from 1 client.

I definitely recommend having an organized way of tracking your referrals. It can be as simple as index cards in a recipe box. Have a card for each client who has referred to you, and list the clients they have referred. After 3 (or however many you decide to make it) - offer them their free massage and mark it on their card when they received that massage.

*Shameless Plug: if you use Bodywork Buddy, there's a referral tracking feature built in. When a new client comes in, you can record who referred them. Then look up a client file at any time to see how many people they have referred.

Do you have a referral program? How has it helped your massage business?

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling

She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 13 years.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Implementing Protocols: A Follow Up to The Late Client

Remember our discussion a couple of weeks ago about The Late Client?

Living Earth Crafts wrote a blog post about implementing protocols to handle such situations and help train your staff.

LEC says:
 "To my mind, one of the best ways to prepare your staff is to offer them scenarios (for late clients, certainly, but also for angry clients, emergencies, and so much more) and to allow them to practice how they’ll respond. This gives them the opportunity to practice in a non-threatening environment, but it also gives you – the spa owner or manager – the ability to set official protocols in place. "
(I encourage you to read the entire post at Living Earth Crafts.)

What a great idea!  Preparation could really be key in dealing with these situations when the arise.

Have you practiced dealing with possible client scenarios with your staff or even by yourself?  How did you go about implementing protocols?

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling

She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 13 years.