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Bodywork Buddy: business management software for the solo therapist that keeps you organized and makes tax time a breeze.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

10 Minute Tasks to Drive Your Massage Business Forward

You're busy.  I get that.

You may think you don't have time to do marketing or other things to help your business.  But here's a list of things you can do to help your business - and can each be done in less than 10 minutes.

Do you have 10 minutes today to work on building your massage business?  Let's get started!

  • Send out a postcard to clients you haven't seen in more than 3 months.
  • Email this week's openings to clients and offer a
    discount if they schedule an appointment now.
    (or don't offer a discount... but DO contact your clients with openings!)
  • Write a quick article on self-care or benefits of massage for your clients.  Post to your blog or website, or include it in your next newsletter.
  • Send a postcard with a special offer to clients with birthdays this month, or just a card wishing them a happy birthday.
  • Send hand written cards thanking clients who have referred people to you.
  • Call a local chiropractor or other complimentary business and schedule a meeting to discuss how you can help each other.
  • Choose one of the business or marketing articles in massage magazines or blogs and decide to implement one idea from the article.
  • Change your voicemail and content on your website to reflect the season so it has a fresh feel to it.

Take 10 minutes a day and work your way through this list.  In just over a week, you will have done a lot to move your massage business forward.
Do you have other 10-minute suggestions to help your massage business?  Add them to the list by commenting below.

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling


  1. Thank you Cindy. It's so easy to get caught in the "I don't have tome to" trap. I was just in a class that mentioned the importance of updating your website in terms of improving your search engine rankings. The only thing I would add: I keep post cards and/or thank you notes and stamps with me so when I receive "found time" (stuck in traffic, getting somewhere early, waiting in someone's waiting room, etc.)I can use the time.
    M'elle Pirri-Lee

    1. Great tip, M'elle! You never know when you are going to suddenly have a few minutes to fill out some cards.

  2. I recently sent out $10 off postcards to clients I hadn't seen transition to my new office (hadn't seen them in about a year) - a few made appointments already! (& I really only sent them to the ones I missed)

    1. Nice! Love it when you see instant results so you know what you're doing is working!

  3. Thanks for sharing this! Two of these I do so it was nice to see I've got the right idea! Email client's openings! Brilliant!
    April Tanis

    1. Thanks for the comment, April! Glad to hear you already do some of these things. Let us know if you incorporate any of the other tips and how it works out for you!

  4. since I ran a groupon recently I decided to impliment a thank you post card following their session. with this I have seen an increased client retention, as well as clients remembering me for important events (birthday) and referring friends in to see me. it could be coincidence, maybe not. Either way I'll take it! I also contact clients I haven't seen in over 2 months via facebook and if I get no response via a "miss you" card. It usually brings them back in within the month.
    I am hoping that with Bodywork Buddy's birthday reminders I will be more apt to send out birthday emails or cards to those clients and keep them on the calander rotation :-)

    1. Thanks for sharing, Justine! I love to hear of client retention with groupons.

  5. May be quite simple but I clean the floor from where they undress to the table. Nothing worse than getting undressed with bare feet and the few steps to the massage table your client encounters grit on their feet from the last shoes that were there with mud, snow, and slop!!! Most complaints I get about other massage therapists from my clients is that it was dirty.

    1. Great addition - simple and quick, but can make such a difference! I think sometimes when we are in our space all the time, we don't always see those little things. Thanks for the reminder!
