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Bodywork Buddy Blog

Bodywork Buddy: business management software for the solo therapist that keeps you organized and makes tax time a breeze.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Twist on How to Take Product Pictures

I came across a great idea on Pinterest last week with tips on how to take some awesome pictures of your product for retail.  

The tutorial includes a black notebook for the product to sit on, a light, and something to filter the light. I was planning to follow this and see how they turned out... but today while I was at the office, I decided to just wing it and work with what I had.

I didn't have a light, but it was a fairly sunny day and I setup about 10 feet from my windows.  I didn't use anything to filter the light since I was just using sunlight.

I didn't have anything for the black notebook, and I also had the issue of the product not being as tall as the Pinterest example.  I played around with different items to add the height I needed, and settled on a jar of Sombra.  (though this pic isn't showcasing the Sombra, it's also a product I love! It was just pure coincidence that it was the perfect booster for the other product I was photographing - Young Living Oils roll-on.)

I chose a bokeh wallpaper pic for my background on my laptop.  (I simply did a google image search for bokeh wallpaper.)

Here's what the setup looked like:

I am not a photographer.  But I didn't think it turned out half bad.  I used Instagram on my iPhone.
With a few selections within instagram, here's the final shot.

I still plan to do some shots including the details from the Pinterest post.  I think this could definitely be improved with a filter so there isn't the bit of glare.  But nice to know you don't need a special light or anything to do some decent pics.  Not bad for 2 seconds at my office and no real equipment.

Do you have any great tips for taking your own pics of product?  I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments.

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Selling With Heart

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling. She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 14 years. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

The 7 Deadly Sins of Email Etiquette

Email marketing is definitely something we should be doing as massage therapists to keep connected with our clients.  (Did you catch Hillary's guest post a few weeks ago? A great testament to the power of email and building a list!) While it's not as exciting as social media, it's more personal and speaks directly to our client - it has potential to be much more effective than social media.  (If measuring effectiveness in ACTUAL BOOKINGS and not just "followers" or "likes" in social media.)   I'm not saying that social media doesn't have it's place in marketing for your massage business, because I think it does.  I do, however, think a lot of therapists who are struggling to build their practice are putting too much emphasis on social media and not enough on other areas to reach their ideal clients.  (More on this topic and ways I do feel social media is valuable later.)

When I was building my practice, I used email as a tool to help fill my schedule.  I'm dating myself here, but this was before social media was an option.  So it was a no-brainer for me to put some energy into email marketing.  This was also before awesome services like Mailchimp (or at least as far as I knew at the time), so I was doing old school emailing.

There's some cardinal rules to emailing for marketing purposes.  I highly suggest a service to make your life easier.  For one, it includes the unsubscribe link which is required by law so you're not spamming people with unwanted emails.  I like Mailchimp because it's free for up to 2,000 email addresses or something crazy like that.  But there are other similar services I have used as well - they are all pretty user friendly and easy to create beautiful emails.  I'll be doing another post soon with more info and details of using services like Mailchimp - so watch for it if you're interested in learning more.

If you're using a service like this, some of these mistakes won't be an issue because it's automatically prevented within the service.  However, these are all good things to keep in mind when emailing clients:

The 7 Deadly Sins of Email Etiquette:

  1. Not using BCC when emailing groups.
    BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy.  It's just plain rude to email clients en mass and have their email address for everyone to see in the "To" field.  Or using CC (carbon copy) which also allows all receiving the email to see the addressees.
    Don't do this.  It's unprofessional.  Your clients will notice and will not appreciate it.
  2. Not having permission to email.
    It's always a good idea to have your clients permission to email them, and let them know ahead of time how often they can expect an email from you.  A monthly newsletter?  A weekly email with last minute openings?  Create some lists for clients to be a part of so they can receive all or only part of your email blasts.  Let them know what to expect.
  3. Overusing High Priority.
    This won't be an issue with a service like Mailchimp, but flagging an email as "high priority" when it isn't will only irritate your clients.  Especially if they are in the corporate world and using email for business.
    For the love of all that is holy, please don't do this.  This is considered yelling in text.  It will send the wrong message.  Same goes for using many different fonts, colors, etc. Many things that make a bad website can be applied to emails as well.
  5. Delivery and Read receipts.
    Not an issue with mailchimp as it shows you who has opened your emails.  This is another annoyance in regular email.
  6. Non-professional address for business communication.
    I had posted something a while back on our Facebook page about using professional email addresses and it was quite the controversial topic.  I certainly wasn't saying that therapists aren't professional if using a gmail or yahoo account, but that it's more professional to use your business domain name in your email address.
    Unless, of course, you have something like for your address.  In that case, then yes. I am saying that's unprofessional.
    While I'm a proponent of being yourself in your marketing, aim for being your best professional self.
    Use your business name if using a free email service. sounds better, right?
    Or use your domain name.  If you don't have a website yet, or don't have email with it, you can easily get a Google Apps account for $50/year or $5/month that includes a gmail account using your company name. is even better, right?
  7. No unsubscribe option.
    This is the spamming legalities I was referring to earlier in this post. Make it easy for clients to unsubscribe from your emails.  It's the law!

What do you think?  Do you have more to add to the list of deadly sins? 
I'll be writing more in the coming months on using email marketing to promote your massage business... so stay tuned.

Related posts:

Set Yourself Apart From the Competition
Powerful Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Clients
5 Lessons I've Learned

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling. She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 14 years. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

How Your Menu Might Be Scaring Your Clients Away

I never used to put much thought into my service names on my menu.  I would just list them as the modality and amount of time.  But after a while, I started to realize a few things.  Not only do clients not know all the different modalities (and really, how could they?), but they appreciate a simplified menu that makes it easy to choose which service to request.
According to Psychology Today, the more choices we have, the more difficult the decision.  It's human nature to shy away from things we don't know and instead choose the path of least resistance.   When a menu looks too complex and complicated, massage clients will naturally choose the cheapest and easiest option.  (Swedish massage, anyone?) 
It's our job to communicate our services clearly and help our client choose the best service for them.  
Here are some tips that I have found helpful for clients when scheduling:
  • Rather than list your modality names, create descriptive names that illustrate how they will make your clients feel, or what problem they will solve for your clients.

    Which looks more appealing - Column A or column B?

    And this list is just using some pretty basic modalities as examples. Imagine a menu with things like Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy...!  A lot of clients don't know what those names mean.  Make it easy for them with descriptive names.
  • Take your favorite service or combination of services and call it your "signature massage".  Put this at the top of your menu list, and mark it with an asterisk of *Recommended.  I'm willing to bet that 90% of your new clients booking online will schedule this service regardless of what it is.
    (Thanks to Ginger G. for this great tip!)
  • Have a non-massage friend look over your menu.  Do they have an easy time choosing a service knowing nothing about massage and being a complete bodywork newbie?
  • Have an option for clients to choose a "completely customized session" based on their needs that day.  They can just choose the time allotment (or have it for a set amount of time only - even better - LESS choices!).  This is also a great way to make clients feel like they get a 5 star treatment knowing that you are "creating" a session just for them.
Think of it like going to get your car serviced at the shop or getting a car wash. Notice how the car washes usually have a "recommended" service?  And the maintenance shops have "winter tune-ups", etc?  

What creative spins have you put on your massage menu to simplify the process for clients?  Comment below with any tips you have to add to our list.

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling. She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 14 years. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

How I made over $10,000 in one day

Today's post is from guest blogger Hillary Arrieta of in Richardson, Texas.

Summer time is here and for many massage therapists its a time of struggle. Clients go out of town or get busy with family activities and don't make time for their regular massage routines. I've come up with a summer strategy that I've been perfecting for the last few years. This plan allows me to make mad cash and also have a full book for the summer. While not every strategy is one size, fits all - Today, I'm going to share MY secrets with you!

First and foremost- YOU MUST- MUST! Build an email list. Your current clients are your best commodity. Some people think that email is dead- But I'm here to tell you that email is very much alive and kicking

SO Step #1- Build a solid email list and email them often. I actually email once a week (full disclosure from the start- I let them know to expect it) and use a fun little program called mail chimp - Its free and easy. 
Don't believe me? check out what Marie Forleo has to say about email lists and overcoming your fear about email TOO much.

Okay so now you have an awesome email list- WOOHOO! Easy marketing!

Step #2 is build an active social media presence. Get people to interact on your Facebook and Twitter accounts- This way they will get your posts about your sale in their hot little news feeds. I do this by asking "getting to know you" Type questions- Who doesn't like talking about themselves?! 
I've noticed that anytime I ask a question about food- "what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?" or animals- "are you a dog person or a cat person?" I get lots of engagement! 

Okay- so now you are all set up for success-

My secret is this - Every year on the first day of summer I hold an annual summer sale on my massage packages. It's for one day ONLY- no extensions. Get it! This allows for a sense of urgency to be created. I take an entire month to promote it. That way, people can get their cash together and can plan on spending big money. 

I create a webpage on my site specifically devoted to this sale and set up an online store. On the Sale date, I email the link and post it continuously on social media using hootsuite - another great program - and let everyone know they have a limited time to buy at this price. I send another email one hour before the sale ends as a "last call." When the time runs out, I simply delete the webpage and the sale is over. Brilliant!

For me, It works like a charm.

This year, in less than 24 hours, I raked in over my goal - which was $10K.
I set my goal super high and exceeded it!!!
How exciting for me:)

My clients purchase the packages and scoot on over to my online booking site (Bodywork Buddy, of course) and book my calendar up.

It takes planning and knowing your client needs and wants. Creating a strategy instead of winging it can make all the difference.

So get out there and make a plan for success!

And tell me,
What do you do to hype up your business during slow season??

Hillary owns  Gaia Bodywork in Richardson TX. and has been a licensed massage therapist since 2004.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Simplest Way to Make the Best of YouTube Channel Art

Today's blog post is a video tutorial on an easy way to create YouTube channel art for your massage business.

To start, you will need to download this template to your computer.  (Right click on the template and choose save image as).

Then you can follow along with the video to create your own YouTube channel art.

What do you think? Post your comments below and leave me your YouTube channel so I can subscribe to you as well. Thanks!

Friday, July 19, 2013

6 Ways to Maintain Your Zen When Bringing in Other Therapists

Today's topic is a guest post from fellow therapist Kimberly Rogers.  Enjoy!

You have your office.

You've got some clients.

You're busy (or just starting out).

Since you can't work 24 hours a day (and you do need to take a weekend off once in awhile so you don't go crazy), it may be time to grow your business by adding a few more therapists.

But where to start? Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  1. Start with a Vision of where you want your business to go. Be very clear on the type of clients you want and the therapists you want to work with. Don't just take ANYBODY. Stay focused. As soon as those potential therapists submit a resume, email you, call or walk through the door for an interview, start building a relationship with them. It will help you decide whether or not they are a good fit.
  2. Decide how you are going to find your therapists. Email, internet, massage schools, postings in the paper, word-of-mouth? You may have to do all of these. Are you okay with taking massage school grads or do you want seasoned “vets.” Or both?
  3. Be very Clear about what you expect out of your therapists and spell it out in their contracts. For example, are they expected to provide their own linens/lotions/oils etc.? Do they need to pitch in and clean the office daily or pick up their rooms between clients? Do you share rooms?
  4. If you offer a laundry service or have a washer/dryer available, you need to decide if it is included or an added expense. And put it in writing in the contract! No unexpected expenses.
  5. Decide how your therapists will be paid. Will it be percentage-based (like a 50/50) or a rental agreement or an employer/employee situation or something in-between? Again, put it in writing in the contract. And Be Consistent! If pay-outs are every two weeks, don't drop the ball and “forget” to pay them.  Be sure to research the laws regarding employees vs. contractors and make sure you're adhering to those laws with whichever route you choose to go with your therapists.
  6. Have your systems in place before your potential therapist walks through your door. Look over your business plan (remember that assignment in massage school?) and make adjustments. Did you even consider adding therapists to your business?  Have a Policies and Procedures manual spelling everything out from proper attire to phone etiquette to using the credit card machine to linking their Facebook/Twitter/professional website to yours. Share that info at the interview! You want to weed out the bad from the good.
I can't stress enough to put everything in writing in the contract, no matter how mundane it sounds. Don't rely solely on that contract template you pulled off the internet or bought at the local office supply store. They only cover general items and may not touch on what you do! Use them as a starting point. Write in amendments, compromises, etc. Both of you initial each new item, sign and date at the bottom of each additional page/section (besides the big signature at the end). Give one copy to your new therapist and keep the original in their personal file along with their resume, copies of CEU classes and trainings and their state registration/certificate/license.

And I recommend signing a new contract  every year. So many things can change in twelve months!
I've had to endure some tough situations as a therapist. For instance, one of the locations I worked at, I paid a daily room rental. While I did sign a contract to work there, I had a verbal agreement with the original owner that if I didn't have clients on the day I was to work, I didn't pay rent. That went well until the business was sold the following year. The new owner expected me to pay a daily rent whether I had clients or not and refused to sign a new contract with me spelling this out. I gave a two-week notice (as per my original contract). After I left, I discovered a mass exodus had started. Here I thought I was the only one having a contract dispute with the new owner! All the therapists left. And she couldn't keep any new hires. A few months later, she sent me emails demanding I pay rent for my “empty” days up to my departure. I told her that since no contract existed between us, I owed her nothing.

Rough, I know. Unfortunately, she didn't learn the lesson here and the business closed its doors for good.

And that is just one example from the decade that I've been working in this industry. I bet you have a couple of stories to share, too.

Good luck and good fortune growing your business!

--Kimberly A. Rogers
Wisconsin Licensed Massage Therapist 3001-146
Certified Reflexologist
Usui Reiki Master/Teacher & Karuna Practioner
CranioSacral Therapy Practitioner
I currently work out of Waupaca, WI as an independent contractor. Because of all the modalities I'm trained in, I decided to name my business Soothing Sessions Bodywork. I graduated from Reflexology school in 2002 and from Fox Valley School of Massage in 2003. I am a Professional member of Associated Massage & Bodywork Professionals (ABMP). Touch therapy and natural healing have been a part of my life since I was very young. I can remember my grandparents using “folk remedies” often to stay healthy. A car accident six months after getting married started me on a quest for better health and pain relief. I am married to a wonderful Army national guardsman, we will be celebrating our 19th anniversary this year. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Free Pinterest Video Course for Massage Therapists

Last November, I blogged about using Pinterest for your massage business.

At that time, I stated that "I'm not sure that using Pinterest will directly bring you more massage clients, and I've found conflicting information on whether or not it helps with search engine optimization."

After several months of using Pinterest for business myself,  I can say that it's definitely worth it to bring more traffic to your site.  The SEO experts are still saying that Google is not admitting to increased traffic affecting search rankings, so I can't say for sure that it will help your SEO.  But, more visitors to your site is never a bad thing.

This is a screenshot of the Bodywork Buddy blog stats.  
Pinterest is the 2nd highest referring site to my blog.

What does this mean?  People clicked on Bodywork Buddy pins on Pinterest, clicked through to see the original post containing that pin.  Which took them to my blog. Which is on my website.  Which increases my site traffic.   Following me?  Not to mention that while they are on my site I have an opportunity to gain them as a client.  

Might be worth a few minutes of your time, yes?  There is no need to spend hours on Pinterest to see the benefits.

Not sure where to start with using Pinterest for your massage business?

I'm offering a Free 4 part video course on "How to Increase Your Website Traffic with Pinterest".  This is specifically formulated for massage therapists.
Sign up now and get pinning!

Signup for this Free 4 day video series

* indicates required

I look forward to having you join me for 4 days of Pinterest fun.  *FYI: the tips I offer in this course will enable you to start using Pinterest to increase your website traffic with only a few minutes a week.  Spending HOURS on Pinterest is not necessary - unless, of course, you WANT to! ;)  It's a little addicting, yes?

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling. She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 14 years. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Put Some Steam On it [Portlandia Inspired]

For today's blog post, I thought I'd write about what I'm doing in my own massage practice these days. For several years now, I have been specializing in ashiatsu deepfeet therapy. I also practice massage cupping, hot stone massage, and ashi-thai.

In the beginning of my massage career, I had attended a spa therapies class at Aveda through my employer. That is where I first encountered the Steamy Wonder and have wanted one ever since! I didn't really think it would be easily incorporated into a dry room setting, (the only way I saw it in training was in a spa wet room), so I just kind of forgot about it.

And then a couple of months ago I met a therapist who uses the steam tent in her massage practice every day. After picking her brain a bit, I decided to take the plunge myself and get myself a Steamy Wonder.

I have been having so much fun with this!

Closeup pics of the pulley system before steam tent is attached.

Steam tent on my table and stored up by ceiling by pulley system.

For starters, I had a pulley system installed in my ceiling so I could easily store it out of the way. Because I have my ashiatsu bars directly above my table, I had the pulley system installed just to the side of my table.

After a few practice sessions, I was ready to offer it to clients. It's really simple and easy to use and takes no time at all to be comfortable enough with it to add it to your menu. I've started by offering a complimentary 20 minute steam add-on to my client's regular massage sessions.

So far, I would say about 2 out of every 3 people are LOVING the steam treatment. I have been doing some scalp massage while they are steaming, and afterward I wipe them off with hot towels with lemongrass essential oil before moving on to the massage. What's been amazing to me is how their muscles have softened before I even start to work with them. The steam literally melts tension so that by the time I get to doing the massage, they are already like butter on the table.

Not only does it make my job easier, but I feel like I'm actually giving them even more benefit to the massage with the addition of steam.

While I find myself wanting to "put some steam on it" for every session, it's still a bit too early to tell just how much steam I'll be doing overall as add-ons.  Once I've had it implemented for a bit longer I will update with a post detailing how it's going.  (I'm sure it will go over much better than the ending of the "put a bird on it" skit from Portlandia.)

I've included some pics of the pulley system going in, as well as pics of my beautiful new steam tent :-)
Have you ever used steam in your massage treatments? What have you found the benefits to be?

*A special thanks goes out to Mary who reignited my excitement about the Steamy Wonder and got me thinking again about the possibilities!

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling. She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 14 years. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How to SoundProof Your Ceiling Like a Pro [A Follow Up Post]

On this post a while back, I wrote about different ways to incorporate some soundproofing to your massage room to cut down on the noise level.

A Bodywork Buddy member just sent me this awesome site for easy-install soundproofing for drop ceilings.

"NO FIBERGLASS, no dust, no particles, no mess - Soniguard® is the cleanest insulation you will ever use, and it's already perfectly pre-cut to rest above your drop ceiling tiles."


Have you used something like this to cut down on the noise transferred through the ceiling?  How has it worked in your massage practice?  I'd love to hear more about this or other ways that you've found helpful to keep your massage room quiet for your clients.

*Thanks to Tzuling for sending me this info to share!

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling

She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 14 years.

Photo credit:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Why Fijian Massage is the Secret Ingredient to a Long Massage Career

massage softwareA few weeks ago, I hosted a Fijian Massage class with founder Lolita Knight.  (along with a few other of her CE classes).  With the help of her “professional massage model” Mark, too of course!

Lolita has been a practicing massage therapist for over 30 years.  Here’s an article she has written explaining the history of Fijian Massage.

My girlfriend Rosemarie is quarter Fijian, quarter Chinese and half Kiwi.  In 1998 we traveled to Fiji to visit her relatives on several of the smaller of the Fijian Islands. On the island of Kadavu, I met her cousin Simonis.  He was the village “massage therapist”.  On this island there were no roads, no electricity except for a few generators, no indoor plumbing (outhouse), no hot water (a communal COLD WATER shower instead) and of course no TV.

Despite this, living with her relatives was one of the most wonderful experiences I have ever had.  It made me think a lot about my life and the role money plays in it.  The Fijian people have very little financial resources, yet they live one of the richest lives I have ever seen.  LOVE is everywhere: especially for the children.  And LAUGHTER.  I wanted to learn Fijian just so I could be part of that ever-constant humor.  Plus FAITH: a faith that is rich in its strength and actions.  The Fijian community made me feel so welcomed, loved and for the first time I experienced unconditional love.

Rosemarie’s cousin Simonis, had wanted to give me a massage, but I was on holiday.  With 20 years of massage experience, I wanted a break and felt I would need to give him some lessons.  So I put him off for a few days.  Finally I agreed and I was truly amazed.  I certainly wasn’t going to the be the teacher.  Simonis had a very rapt student who wanted to learn everything he had to share.

Simonis had learned this massage, which I have called “Fijian Massage”, when he was 7 years of age.  When any of the villagers had sore or damaged muscles, they would seek out Simonis.  Massage Therapy is not a paid occupation for Simonis.  He simply gives of his time and talent to help his friends and neighbors.  Sometimes he is very busy and his main activity is attending his own plantation of taro and pineapple.  Therefore, he doesn’t have a great deal of time to spend giving massages.

I feel this is why such an effective massage technique has been handed down generation to generation to generation.  The people HAVE TO have strong and efficient muscles to survive as their bodies are their source of transport, work is very labor intensive and there is no social welfare for those unable to work.  And the therapist doesn’t have an “hour” to fix people so the method evolved that fixed people quickly.

In Fiji, the client would lie on the ground or a Fijian woven mat and Simonis would use mainly his feet, sometimes his hands to release the tension and repair the damaged tissue.  I have made many modifications to his technique to make it more comfortable for both the client and the therapist.  I have also created a method that ONLY uses the feet to help save therapist’s hands from repetitive movement injury.

I am ever so grateful for the method that Simonis taught me that I donate to the people in the Fijian villages as this can help them in their difficult financial situations.

When I returned to New Zealand (where I had lived for 20 years), I felt that Kiwis would not relate to lying on the floor and me using my feet to massage them.  So for 6 months I did not use the “FIJIAN MASSAGE”.  Then one day a client came to me with severe leg scar tissue and wanted to run a marathon in 6 weeks.  I knew the only way to help him was with the Fijian Massage technique.  He was desperate and willing to try anything so I convinced him of the Fijian Massage done with my feet.  He not only was able to run the marathon, but also beat his previous best time.  Then I tentatively recommended that my regular clients try the Fijian Massage.  Now over 80% of my clients prefer the Fijian Massage to the other deep tissue sport massages that I offer.

online scheduling
Why is the Fijian Massage so popular?  Mainly my clients want a deep massage that is also relaxing.  Prior to doing the Fijian Massage I did Deep Tissue Cross Fiber Massage with a lot of my method using my elbow.  While it was pointed and got to the troubled area, it was a “sharp” pain.  With the Fijian I do my  main deep work with my heel.  This deep pressure is softer that my elbow, yet it is a stronger stroke.  Plus my clients find that the repair happens much quicker with the Fijian Barefoot Massage.

If you think about it, the foot has stronger bones and the leg muscles are more powerful than the arm.  Try this: rotate your lateral edge of your foot on the floor laterally.  Now put your hand on the floor and do the same thing.  It is obvious that your foot is much, much stronger than your hand.

One thing I really enjoy with using my foot and leg (and abdomen) is that not only does it relax the use of your hands, but it also gives your legs and abdomen good workout; therefore adding more balance to your own muscular structure.

massage software
Fijian To Go: working with client seated
With the Fijian Massage you use your toes, lateral and medial edge of your foot, the pad, bunion bone point, the base of your heel, the edge of your heel and the back of your heel.  You can massage all parts of your client except the face.

When I reflect, I feel that it is amazing that this technique that I learned quite by accident on a remote island in Fiji, where I learned to accept cold showers as a pleasant way of life, is being taught all over the world.  I feel forever grateful to the warm and amazing villagers on the remote island of Fiji that shared and taught me a technique that I firmly believe will enhance deep tissue sport massage for both the therapist and client.

Lolita is a great teacher with amazing energy.  I’m so grateful I was able to learn from her before her retirement!  If you’re interested in learning Fijian Massage, you can find classes offered from her team of instructors by visiting

Cindy (me), Ginger, Lolita, Mark
Many thanks to Lolita and Mark for the wonderful class and many laughs!

Tweetable: Why is Fijian #massage so popular? via @BodyworkBuddy