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Bodywork Buddy Blog

Bodywork Buddy: business management software for the solo therapist that keeps you organized and makes tax time a breeze.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Inspiration to Blog for Your Massage Business

I admit, it took me a while to realize the benefits of blogging for business. I had always heard that we should be blogging, but I didn't really grasp the "why" until after I had started.

Have you been thinking about blogging, or maybe just wondering why it's a good idea?

Let's break it down.

Why Blog?

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
    Blogging helps your site get found by Google and other search engines. Every time you write a blog post, it's another indexed page on your site. More indexed pages means more chances of showing up in search engines and driving traffic to your site. New content on your site signals to the search engines that your site is active and worth checking in frequently.

  • Educates
    Blogging is a great opportunity to educate clients (and potential clients) on the benefits of massage, any special services or offerings that you have, and overall wellness information.

  • Establishes Authority
    Your current clients probably already see you as an expert in the field, but that fact will really be driven home when you regularly blog about wellness and massage. New clients will be put more at ease seeing your expertise from your blog posts. It's easy to forget that some of the information we know after being a massage therapist for X amount of years isn't necessarily common knowledge to clients and potential clients.

  • Fosters Relationships
    Creates a two-way conversation with your clients, helping to build a relationship with them before they even step foot in your massage studio.

What To Blog?

  • Think over your past week in working with clients. What are some questions you were asked? This is a great source of blog topics and material.

  • Wellness tips and/or products.

  • Spotlight different services you offer and explain the benefits of each one. (1 service = 1 blog post.)

  • Youtube videos showing self-care tips - just add your own commentary and there's a great, informational post! Here's one that I used recently during cold & flu season, and several clients thanked me for it:

My Results From Blogging

  • After writing and publishing a post to my website, I create an email campaign to my client list and paste in the entire blog post. (My main goal is for clients to read it, but if my main goal was traffic to my site, I might only put the first paragraph of the post and then link back to my blog. Or, you could still drive traffic to your site by including the entire post and then asking them to comment on your blog.) I end the email with any openings in my schedule coming up soon, and a link to my online scheduler. These openings always get filled after my email goes out.

  • Many clients have mentioned that they love my emails about the benefits of massage and thank me often for them. Just this morning at yoga class, I saw a client and she thanked me (for about the 4th time) for sending these emails.

  • I've sold more product and have been able to educate my clients on how the products I carry can help them.

How To Get Started

  • You don't have to have some fancy blogging software to get started with reaping the benefits of blogging right away. Many website services include a blog option (Weebly, ABMP's free website, etc.) Or you can use a free service like Blogger.

  • If you have trouble thinking of topics, start with the first month's posts before you publish any of them so that you get the ball rolling.

  • Choose how often to post and stick with being consistent.

  • Email your clients / mailing list your blog post. Encourage them to comment on the post and link back to the blog.

  • If you have openings you need to fill, include those in the bottom of the emailed posts to clients.

  • Add an image! Canva is a great option to create an image for your blog posts. It's a free service and you can legally use those images on your site.

  • Have a friend proofread it if spelling and writing are not your strong suit.

Do you have a blog for your massage business? Share it in the comments, you may just inspire another massage therapist to start their own blog!

Cindy Iwlew is a licensed massage therapist and cofounder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

My Favorite Shoes To Wear For Massage

I used to work barefoot (for hands-on massage, not to be confused with doing barefoot massage), and while I loved it, my body did not love standing on a hard floor all day with no arch support.

Because I also do ashiatsu, I needed shoes that could easily be slipped on or off as well as easily cleaned and sanitized throughout the day if needed.

One of my clients told me about Oofos* sandals. I LOVE THESE SANDALS. They are perfect for working in. I just keep them at my office as my work shoes. My back and knees are so much happier since I've been wearing these!

Have you found an awesome pair of shoes to work in? Let us know in the comments.

best shoes for massage therapists to wear

*Thank you for supporting our small business. Profits made from retail sales / affiliate links are reinvested in caffeine for our developers for Bodywork Buddy so we can continue to provide you with the best services possible.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Minnesota AMTA Convention

Bodywork Buddy water bottles spotted at Minnesota AMTA convention last weekend! Thanks to Erin Howk for battling a blizzard to get the bottles into the hands of these AMTA members. :D

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Bodywork Buddy Member Spotlight: Brian Jones

Today's Bodywork Buddy member spotlight is Brian Jones of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Brian owns Zenergy Therapeutics LLC.

Q: What inspired you to be a massage therapist? 

A: I grew up in a family of helpers. I always knew that I wanted to help others in life, but wasn't sure where I fit. My Mom and Grandma were incredible nurses. They were these powerhouse women that really made a difference in the world. My Grandpa, one of my Aunts, and one of my Uncles, are/were teachers. I marveled at how they inspired people, and passed important knowledge to others. Still, neither of those seemed a fit for me. Growing up I had always given my grandma foot rubs. I loved helping her feel her best. When I sat down and thought what brought me the most joy in life, those memories of helping her came flooding back, and it clicked. It's the perfect blend of the attributes I admired of everyone I care about, and I get to be a helper. It's my calling!

Q: How long have you been doing massage?

A: Not counting all those foot rubs, I've been a trained therapist since 2012.

Q: What is your favorite thing about being an MT?

A: The people. Being able to help my clients and create positive change in their lives, usually in an hour. Knowing that I make a difference. I get to help so many people from all walks of life, feel their best. Being a part of that, seeing every revitalized face after a treatment, there's nothing better than that. I can't think of a more rewarding career for me.

Q: What do you think is the most challenging issue for massage therapists? 

A: I can't speak for all of us because we're all so different, but for me personally, it's what to learn! There are so many different modalities, theories, and ways to be a therapist, it's almost impossible for me to decide what to learn first!

Q: What advice would you give to other MT's to help build their business?

A: Get out there! Don't be afraid to do events, to network, use what you know about your community to connect with the people. Do chair massage at a farmer's market or nearby salon. Go to sporting events or cross market with someone. Don't pass up opportunities to get your name to the many people waiting for you to fix them. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How Do You Know Clients Have Opted in for SMS Reminders?

We've recently added a symbol within the client file under the phone number to show if your client has opted in for SMS reminders.

The little mobile phone icon will show when the number has been verified as a mobile number within our system, and then the spiral icon will show when the client has successfully opted in to receive text reminders.

Did you know?

  1. Texting is the most widely-used and frequently used app on a smartphone, with 97% of Americans using it at least once a day. (Pew Internet)
  2. Text messages have a 98% open rate, while email has only a 20% open rate. (Mobile Marketing Watch)
  3. 90% of all text messages are read in under 3 minutes. (Connect Mogul)
  4. 96% of smartphone users text. (Acision)

Monday, November 21, 2016

5 Ways to Optimize Your Calendar

Within Bodywork Buddy, there's a few things you can do to make your life easier with your online calendar.

  • Icons *NEW FEATURE*
    The most recent addition is the feature of assigning an icon to specific services, so you can see at-a-glance what services you have scheduled.

    From dashboard > services > main > click on the service/service code > select icon > save.

    These icons will then show in the calendar in the confirmed appointments. (The day view always shows the service type in text, as well.)

  • Optimized Timeslots Feature
    Within BWB, you can choose to optimize your open timeslots. This means that clients scheduling online will only see openings you have immediately before or after existing appointments in your calendar. This feature cuts down on big gaps in your day, and helps you have more control over your schedule.

  • Set Buffer Times

    In your settings, you can adjust a default buffer time to be added between appointments automatically. Need only 15 minutes between appointments, or prefer 45 minutes? Adjust your settings accordingly and the online scheduler will automatically reflect that in your openings online. (You can always override these settings when scheduling clients yourself, if you choose to.)
  • Add Extra Buffer Time into Certain Services

    Want 30 minutes between appointments, but an hour in between when it's a hot stone massage? You can add that extra time into the service of hot stones itself, so that time is automatically built into the calendar when that service is scheduled.

  • Check/Uncheck Different Calendars

    In the upper right of the calendar, there is a gear icon. When you click on the gear, you can check or uncheck what calendars you want to show or be hidden. (Please note if you have an event or appointment that is "busy", that time will not show as available for an appointment even if you have it "hidden" on your calendar.)
    This feature can be a nice way to focus on just your work calendar at one time, or to hide the cancelled or missed appointments, or maybe show JUST your missed appointments to get a better feel for how much this is happening! (You can also run a report for that if you're really looking for the numbers.)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

How Do You Know If Your Client Got Their Email Reminder?

Bodywork Buddy has always had an email log so you can see when your clients received/opened their reminder emails. (Accessible from dashboard > account > email services > scroll down to email log.) Last I knew, no other online scheduling service offered this.

While it's a handy feature, we've had some members request a quicker, more "at-a-glance" way to see if clients haven't received or opened their email reminders. So we've implemented a new envelope icon in the calendar next to the client's name. An envelope outlined in white shows that the reminder has been sent, and the envelope will turn to solid white once it's been opened by your client. Pretty cool, right? Our members have been enjoying this feature for a few weeks now and the feedback has been pretty great.

Other ways to cut down on no-shows in your massage practice:
  • Send text reminders.
    Easy to do within BWB. Enable SMS services, have clients opt-in by texting the word "START" to 269-509-4288, make sure client's mobile number is on file.

  • Have a cancellation / no-show policy and make sure clients know about it.
    You can have your policies show within your email reminders, and you can also choose to have clients agree to your policies when they schedule online from your microsite.

  • Train clients from the beginning that you might not be able to get them back on the schedule immediately if they miss or cancel their appointment. You might be surprised how clients will be able to make it work once they realize they won't be able to get back in for several weeks. I discovered this by accident when I was so busy that I really was booked out for a month in advance. Clients started saying that they didn't dare cancel, because they knew they wouldn't be able to get in until next month.

    Even if you're not booked out for weeks in advance, you can show less openings in your schedule using Bodywork Buddy's "optimized time slots" feature. It only shows openings immediately before or after existing appointments, not only cutting down on large gaps in your day - but also creating a scarcity of available appointment times.

Do you have some useful tips to help cut down on cancellations and no-shows? Share here in the comments, I'd love to hear what has worked for you!