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Bodywork Buddy Blog

Bodywork Buddy: business management software for the solo therapist that keeps you organized and makes tax time a breeze.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

New Facebook Call-to-Action Button

Facebook recently added a new feature to their business pages: a call-to-action button. This handy new feature allows you to add your online scheduler right into the top of your page and encourage clients to schedule an appointment with you.

From your business page, click the "Create Call-to-Action" button.

A pop-up window will appear with a drop down box to select a button for your call-to-action.

Select "book now" from the drop down menu.

Add your online scheduling site URL in the field for website.

Choose destinations for iOS and Android. Select "website" if you use Bodywork Buddy for online scheduling. 

Your call-to-action button is ready!

You can even view your results and see how often clients click on your "book now" button from your Facebook page.

Bodywork Buddy already had a "schedule online" app to connect to your Facebook page (see the "schedule online" tab below) but now with this new feature from Facebook your online scheduler can be even more prominent for your clients to schedule from Facebook.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Member Spotlight: Laura Holt

Today's member spotlight is Laura Holt from Skowhegan, Maine. She owns Laurel Tree Massage.

Q: What inspired you to be a massage therapist?

A: I was inspired to become a massage therapist as a result of everyone at my CNA job loving their shoulder "rub and foot rubs" on our night shift as CNA, even the nurse would be at the head of the line. She would send someone upstairs to get my peppermint oil so I didn't have to smell sweaty feet.
Q: How long have you been doing massage?

A: I have been a massage therapist for 5 years, all of those working for myself right out of college.
Q: What is your favorite thing about being an MT?

A: I love meeting new clients and seeing all the results as they become regulars, watching improvements.
Q: What do you feel is the most challenging issue for massage therapists?

A: Finding the right software that can be the best thing for your business, that makes all these tasks easier to do for us, but ultimately making it easy to track stuff to reward clients, remember details of their sessions easier and allows them to schedule online so we don't play phone tag, best too is those awesome reminders! 
Laura with her portable bars for
practicing Ashiatsu DeepFeet Bar Therapy.
Q: What advice would you give to other MT’s to help build their business?

A: Get Bodywork Buddy now!!! The only other advice I would give is a program that no longer exists for helping with all the other business stuff. But really opening your heart to be there for the clients vs worrying about the financial part of business, worry about money and it becomes the focus, worry about the clients it builds them knowing you truly care about them... OR WAIT NO!!! GO take ASHIATSU and save your bodies now!!!! BEST THING EVER!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

*New Feature* Overdue Appointments Box Collapsible

Have a lot of "overdue appointments" on your dashboard that you haven't quite gotten to completing into session records yet? Now you can easily collapse the overdue appointments box so it doesn't take up your whole dashboard.

Just click the little arrow on the right of the Overdue Appointments box.

Voila! They are hidden and your dashboard is more open. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Integrated Stretching Harness (ISH)
I first met David Henre several years ago at the AMTA National Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. It was in 2008, to be exact... wow 7 years ago!

He stopped by the Bodywork Buddy booth at the 2014 AMTA National Convention this past Fall in Denver, Colorado and brought us a bag of goodies - the Integrated Stretching Harness (ISH). David's timing was perfect as it was day 2 of the convention, Berin and I were really feeling the effects of standing on the convention floor all day in combination with spending our free time in Denver walking everywhere. My calves were screaming at me and the thought of standing in our booth for another 2 days was pretty daunting.

I put the ISH on my calf and let it work it's magic while I stood in our booth and talked to massage therapists about Bodywork Buddy. The difference it made in my legs was amazing. I felt so much better and had no problem standing on the convention floor all day. I wore it most of the day and alternated between each calf. I don't doubt that my body would have been much worse for the wear after that 2nd day were it not for David's ISH.

David explains that it works by pinning 2 points of pressure on a limb above or below the joint, changing the shape of the tissue. This allows the soft tissue being pinned to stretch while you go about your day.

The Integrated Stretching Harness is available for a variety of areas including:
What massage therapist couldn't use THIS? mmmm....
  • Hand/Foot
  • Forearm/Upper Arm/Lower Leg
  • Upper Leg
  • Shoulder
  • Hip/Glutes

A little bit about David:
Growing up in Colorado running cross country, climbing, bouldering, road and mountain biking, and alpine and telemark skiing (doing just about everything The Rockies provide access to!) helped fuel David's appreciation for what gives him the ability to enjoy outdoor activities: strength and health.

In 1991, David cracked vertebrae and compressed and broke a disc in his back. The threat that he may be paralyzed and his lengthy healing process after surgery sparked his interest in fitness and alternative medicine.

"Nobody needs to live in pain. I feel very strongly about this. It's why I got into fitness in the first place," David says.
In 1995, David achieved Personal Training Certification through the National Federation of Professional Trainers.

The ISH is a winner in our book. Many thanks to David for helping us out at the convention by bringing us several!
Learn more about ISH and order one at or visit their Facebook page.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

*New Feature* Highlighted Business Hours in the Calendar

We've just made some updates that will now show your open business hours highlighted in light green in the calendar from the week and day views.

Monday, January 5, 2015

*New Feature* Services Report

Happy New Year! We're hard at work here at Bodywork Buddy to make 2015 the smoothest year yet for your bookkeeping needs for your massage practice.

We've added a new report option in Bodywork Buddy. You can now generate a yearly summary filtered by service type.

To access this report: Dashboard > Reports > Service Report >
Simply choose the year, and then select which service from the drop down menu to pull up a report of how much income you made that year from that specific service.
Please note this report is for service totals and tips from those services only.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top Tech Tools of 2014 for Massage Therapists

Top Tech Tools of 2014 for Massage Therapists

  • Online Scheduling
    Many massage therapists report online scheduling being their single most important tech tool for their practice.
    Mary-Claire Fredette of Cincinnati just wrote a blog post of her own on the topic: Why Online Scheduling Works for Massage Therapists.
    Using an online scheduling system not only provides a convenience for your clients, but it also helps to cut down on no-shows with email and text reminders, helps to reinforce your cancelation policies, gives you more control over your schedule, can help fill last minute openings, eliminates phone tag, and increases your professionalism. (Just to name a few of the benefits!)
  • Professional Website 
    Having a professional website for your massage business helps to build authority, builds a relationship with your clients (before they even walk in the door), improves credibility, and much more.
    Some things to consider when creating or redesigning your website:
    Make it easy to navigate.
    Update it regularly.
    No flash graphics or music.
    No "wall of text". Break it up visually with some pictures.
    For more guidelines on creating a winning website, check out our past post When good websites go bad.
  • High Ranking Search Results / Search Engine Optimization
    Search friendly design, keywords, content, links... there's a lot to consider with SEO, but a few basics can get your website going in the right direction. Be cautious of guns for hire claiming to skyrocket your search engine rankings, this is an area that has a lot of scam artists online.
    We'll be writing more in 2015 on ways to improve your SEO, so stay tuned.
  • Testimonials 
    Many MT's report the use of testimonials as a key influencer for new clients to book. Whether it be a review site like, or the use of your own collected testimonials, showcasing reviews for prospective clients can be very persuasive and help you build your business.
    Bodywork Buddy automatically collects client testimonials for you and displays them on your online scheduler.
    We also have a checklist you can signup to receive that details lots of great ways to use testimonials to boost your business.