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Bodywork Buddy: business management software for the solo therapist that keeps you organized and makes tax time a breeze.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Important Changes for Yahoo Users

Last week, Yahoo quietly made a change to their email services that has affected most emails being sent from a third party on behalf of a Yahoo address. (For example: email reminders to your clients from your online scheduler).

Bodywork Buddy immediately emailed our members who use a Yahoo address to notify them of this change. Since this affects all third party services sending emails on your behalf, we wanted to let others in the massage industry know in case this affects you and your massage business.

To quote Yahoo:
Yahoo made a simple change to its DMARC policy from “report” to “reject”. In other words, we requested that all other mail services reject emails claiming to come from a Yahoo user, but not signed by Yahoo.

So what does this mean? If you're using a Yahoo account for your massage business, any emails from a third party online scheduling system will likely bounce and not be delivered. This affects all third party systems sending emails on behalf of your massage business, not just Bodywork Buddy. 

What's the solution? For now, the only real solution is to use a non-Yahoo address. Although there is speculation that this may start to be incorporated by other free email services as well. Your best bet? Use an email address from a private domain.

Here at Bodywork Buddy, we are encouraging our members with Yahoo addresses to change their account to a non-Yahoo address for the time being for clients to receive their reminders still shown as coming "from" their massage therapist. We will keep you in the loop on any changes regarding this issue with Yahoo. 

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our team. We're here to help!

Cindy Iwlew