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Bodywork Buddy: business management software for the solo therapist that keeps you organized and makes tax time a breeze.

Monday, March 24, 2014

If Clients Could Speak. (oh wait, they can. and DO.)

One of my clients recently told me about an experience of going to another massage therapist, and why they chose to not return. Over the years, I've often had clients share feedback of why they didn't stick with previous MT's they had been to. I'm sure there are similar stories out there from clients who had been to me in the beginning of my massage career... before I realized some of the things I might be unconsciously doing that was hindering me building my business.

So I put together a quick list of the common reasons I hear from clients of why they moved on after previous massage experiences.

Room was too cold
Remember, while the temperature may feel fine for you (or even warm for you while you're working) your client is laying on the table with only a drape and is getting their bare skin exposed to the air. Add some refreshing massage creme and you have a perfect recipe for a cold massage! It's hard to relax when you're cold. While a blanket and heated table can help to keep them cozy while covered, each body part being exposed while being worked on can be very uncomfortable if the room isn't sufficiently warm.
The take away: set your temperature in your space with your client in mind, not yourself. Check in with the client on temperature. Ask "are you warm enough?" rather than "are you cold?".

MT talks too much.
I can't even begin to add up how many clients have told me over the years that what they love about our sessions is that I don't talk. (I do have clients with whom I do talk, the important part is that I leave it up to them).
The take away: let your client set the tone for how much talking will happen in their session. Don't speak unless your client speaks. If they ask you questions, keep your answers short to allow them to choose to go silent if they wish. Clients might not know that they have the permission to be quiet and just journey inward. (and they'll never know if you keep talking...)

Too much pressure / too little pressure.
Clients have told stories of getting practically beat up in a session, and the therapist didn't check in on pressure once.
The take away: check in on pressure at least once. (not constantly, we don't want to break the flow of the session). Also check for non-verbal cues of going too deep. Are they tensing up? Wincing? Give the client permission to give you feedback on the pressure. A large percentage of getting a good session is communication between therapist and client. We, as MT's, need to make sure our clients know that this is their session and we can and want to customize it to them. Sometimes it takes more than just a "let me know if you want more or less pressure" at the beginning of a session.

MT didn't feel present.

"It didn't feel like she wanted to be there".
The take away: your clients can feel when you're not loving what you do or where you work. Have a lot on your mind? Running through your grocery shopping list while effleuraging their quads? Getting angry as you think over that comment from your MIL while taking an elbow up their erectors? Yikes! Your clients can tell. As a client of mine recently said "you can't fake being present".  While I'm certainly guilty of not always being 100% present (life happens! It's understandable that sometimes your mind will wonder when you have a lot going on outside of the massage room). But for the most part, try to clear your head before you start your session so that you can really focus on your client. This is their hour. Be fully present for them and they will notice, and will likely become a regular.

Not given full time. 
If you advertise $1/minute and charge $60, you better give 60 minutes! it's ok to do shorter time if it's known that you only do 50 min hours, etc. Or "an hour is approximately 60 minutes on the table". However, if you advertise it as $1/minute, and only give 52 minutes while charging $60, clients WILL notice.
The take away: this is about managed expectations. Lots of spas offer 50 minute hours, and it's not typically a problem because they're upfront about it. Clients know what to expect.

Massage felt rushed. 
"The whole session felt rushed and they skipped over several areas".
The take away: this has nothing to do with amount of time on table. A friend and colleague of mine who works as a large spa that only allots 50 min hours has said that the time limit doesn't have to hinder the feeling of a slow and rhythmic massage to the client. Focus on slow, broad strokes and being present. It's still possible for clients to feel like they received an amazing massage in 50 minutes.

Cookie-cutter massage. 
It felt like MT was just doing a routine, rubbing lotion on my body with their hands, or MT didn't listen to what areas I asked for more or specific work on.
The take away: Check in with your client. Listen. Watch for non-verbal signs of what their body needs. Remember that while you do massage all day, your client only gets a massage maybe once a month (maybe less than that!). Make it a memorable one, not one that would just blend in to your full day of sessions - all of them looking exactly alike. It's likely that we all learned a lot of different tools in massage school, and only use a handful of them regularly. Change it up a bit. Add in some different things that you don't do every single session. Feel like you're in a rut and need some new tools? Check out some continuing education. I find this is the best way to beat boredom in massage and to rekindle that spark; reminding me why I love massage in the first place. My clients also frequently comment on the fact that I'm always evolving and learning new things.

What reasons have you heard from clients on why they haven't returned to previous MT's? Or what comments have they made of why they've chosen your business? Maybe this post and your comments can help a newer massage therapist just getting started, or even help a more seasoned massage therapist make their sessions even better.

Cindy Iwlew is co-founder of Bodywork Buddy Massage Software, a complete online management solution for independent massage therapists that includes online scheduling

She continues to operate her own private massage practice of 15 years.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Advice From Strangers

When I was about 2 years into being a massage therapist, I had a stranger going through massage school contact me for advice on being in the biz. They found me through a live journal massage group (which reminds me, I think I have to log into live journal before they delete my username). I was flattered and confused at the same time. It seemed weird to be asking someone so new in the business for advice. It was a class assignment for her and she had a list of specific questions that she emailed me and I could answer at my leisure. They didn’t look too hard, so I did it. I remember trying to answer thoughtfully and I really hoped they were helpful. She, of course, thanked me, but I never heard from her again, so I have no idea how it went. 

Several years later, a massage therapist that I had received a massage from emailed me for advice on how to make it through those first struggling years of being self employed. I thought about this email for a long time and how to answer it. She wanted me to tell her what to do, and I just couldn’t do that. I didn’t know her needs well enough, and frankly it wouldn’t have helped her succeed. When you are self employed, you are the one that makes the decisions, and when you let others decide for you… well, you aren’t happy. I answered her the best I could, but I never heard from her again. I learned later that she gave up on being a massage therapist, which made me sad since she had only been at it 5 months. 

This very evening I had a sales call from my Alma Mater asking for a donation. The gentleman asked what I did for a living as part of their questionnaire and when I told him I was a Massage Therapist he immediately started asking me about it. He too, was thinking of going to school for massage therapy after his undergrad. It got me thinking about how often I get asked for advice from strangers and about what information they are actually looking for. 

These days it’s easy to find advice online, even hire a business coach to help you with all the technical details. There are blogs galore on how you should be and what you should do and how you are probably doing it all wrong. When I think about the advice I wanted when I was starting out, and the advice these strangers asked of me, I wondered what was it they really wanted to hear. 

I think I wanted to hear "we all screw up sometimes, but we learn from our mistakes”, and "even though it feels impossible to imagine this as your full time career, it is something you can do, so keep at it." So, here are some things that I’ve learned in the last decade or so that have helped me be a better massage therapist and a better businesswoman. These PRO TIPS come from personal, if sometimes embarrassing, experience and changed the way I practiced. Some of the lessons are more subtle than others, but all of them make me laugh when I think about them (even though they didn’t when they were happening). 

This is something I did not learn in school, or even given the hint of it occurring. If you have a stool that you put under the face cradle… there is a good chance that your comatose client will mindlessly drool and it will land right where you put your hand to move your chair, or right where you sit when you’re ready to do some neck work. Gross doesn’t even begin to cover it. I now keep clean towels near by and plenty of hand sanitizer (which came in handy when I was later surprised by the lovely odor of CHEESE FEET). 

I work in a building with a back entrance for staff. After a habitually late client no-showed one day, I called to see what was up. It turned out I was in the back chatting away with a staff member and she was up front knocking on the locked door. We are all human and fallible, but unlocking the door is a no-brainer. We had a laugh about it and it worked out for me, but it reminded me to be present for even mundane things when I’m at the office and to laugh at myself every now and again. 

I live in the type of community that doesn’t require you to lock your doors during the day. For years, I never locked the front door of my office (see pro-tip #2) even though I was almost always there alone… until one day a city pipe leaked in the street and the city waterworks guy came in jovially calling hello over and over again… and then proceeded to open every office door including my treatment room until he found someone. It wasn’t a crisis, but he just wanted to make sure it was okay to look at our building pipes… my client wasn’t too perturbed (I was able to save her dignity in time) and I received a heartfelt apology from the workers supervisor. However, I now lock the doors and put up a sign saying I’m in session… even if I’m not expecting anybody.

Sometimes your clients are talkers. In trying to keep my boundaries AND be friendly, I would share what I thought was a TINY tidbit about myself thinking ’they don’t really care, they will forget it in couple of hours', but I have found the opposite to be true. I had a client that asked me if I liked sports. No, not really, but I want to be friendly, so I say “I played basketball in high school, but I don’t really follow sports these days”. A year and half later I saw this client again and all he talked about was basketball and his grandkids… which would be fine, except he then tried to set me up with one (he had a flattering, but inaccurate inference of my age). Other clients will bring up topics (about my dog or getting stuck in a snow bank) that I never remember talking to them about. I see so many people during the day, I can’t remember everything I say. Being vague and non-committal might be the better option here… but really I think it’s best to just let them talk and you just zip it. Obviously, you have to have some conversation, just remember they won’t forget what you said as fast as you will.

I once had a client show up on time for an appointment… according to her watch. Unfortunately, the night before she had just flown in from the east coast AND Daylight Savings started, so she was an hour late. She was extremely embarrassed, and I wasn’t able to squeeze her in for a few days. I started calling people who were ten minutes late to their appointments to “check in with them”. Sometimes they were able to make it to the appointment for a shorter session time and that translated to productive time for me and a super grateful client for still squeezing them in when they obviously made the mistake. Sometimes it pointed out my flaws: "I cancelled that appointment and rescheduled… remember?!” and helped me make changes in my front desk procedure to make sure my schedule was accurate — which dramatically cut down on the desire to demonize clients in my mind and rue the day they were born. That’s never good for morale.

Okay, this is more of an philosophical tip, but I swear by it. There are so many ways to use it. My favorite ways are: get a massage for myself; read massage therapy blogs/groups/articles; search the internet for cool things to get for my office one day; do chores that I bitch about never having time for; going to lunch with my sister; or watching that last episode of New Girl. All these things sound like time wasters or unproductive time, but when I’m busy I never get to do those things and I feel exhausted and drained and detached from my life. These activities all address some aspect of my whole person, not just working person. If I’m feeling overwhelmed by my day, having lunch with my sister (it can be a bag lunch at a park) will rejuvenate me when I’m back in the office. Downtime is good time, don’t waste it by fretting about it so much.

Beefy, garlicky, and peppery do not go away fast enough no matter how much mouthwash or essential oils you use.  The smell just becomes weirder when you add peppermint to that combo. Trust me. Even if your client brought you the venison jerky, just save it for later… much later. 

P. S. Here is a bonus for you: 
It's just polite and it keeps you humble. This goes for clients as well as others that inspire or help you in life. I would be remiss if didn't thank Ginger Glomski for her more "colorful" PROTIPS which not only had me laughing, but inspired this post, and Cindy Iwlew for sharing her blog audience with me and giving me an opportunity to write for others. 

As you can imagine, everyone has a list of things they never thought would affect the way they do business and perhaps even set a path towards success. So, go ahead, make mistakes; learn from them. You can do this. What are your PRO TIPS?

Erin Howk, BS, BCTMB